This year Tuesday's will be our Proficient level League, our middle skill level we have to offer. Teams of 4 players each night for a 32 Game format on 2 tables for a 24-28 week season.
Team nightly cost each week is $100, each player with more then 1 week of play is required to pay a $50 Q-Time Membership. Players from spring league do not need to pay for another membership this year.
Update; The first 3 weeks we will have 14 Tables to use from our host after that we will be using 12 tables each week this means there will be 3 byes each week.
Tuesday Proficient schedule will be made for 1 round robin over 17 weeks followed by another 10 weeks where each team will have 2 more byes and play 8 more teams that are similar skill level based on the roundrobin.
If any teams want a Bye on a particular week they should let Ryvan know sooner rather then later.
We are changing from a named 6 rank system to a numbered 8 rank system that ranges from 50-120 Tuesday Proficient division team limit will be 360 in a round, this is the same as 4 Advanced from last year. Players who are ranged above 90 can not spare/sub and must be registered on the team or team will be penalized, no max amount of 100 or higher players can be registered but the team is maxed at 7 registered players.
All Q-time divisions will be BCA-PL and CCS sanctioned
The Q-Time web site needs rankings and software updating, it is not known at this time when it'll be completed. |